Friday, January 4, 2013

8 Reasons To Write Articles

8 Reasons To Write Articles

This article is about finding reasons to write articles. We all have things we're interested in, things we know a lot about, or we want to learn about. We're experts in one or more aspects, and we're dedicated to something, may it be in professional or personal level. Why should you invest time in writing articles about such subjects? We can point out 8 biggest reasons;

1 - Close what you know - By transforming thoughts into meaningful sentences, you tend to restructurize your knowledge. That can be really useful when you have lots of information about something, but have difficulties in putting it in practice, or even improving the effectiveness of work. Another way of doing this is speaking about it aloud. Writing articles will put everything in place, you'll get around the subject much easier, once you write or verbalize everything you know about it.

2 - Realise what you don't know - During the restructurization of knowledge, you might realise that you're finding it hard to write about a certain part of the topic. You won't have some information, or won't be able to find a way to make it a meaningful sentence. That's when you'll have to learn more and look deeper. You'll learn some new things you otherwise wouldn't.

3 - Teach others - Whoever's reading your article will probably learn something from it. We know much more than we're aware of, also. You can write for hours about something that's totally natural to you, but a total enigma to someone else.

4 - Expose yourself - There are hundereds of high traffic websites that can get you promoted by publishing articles. You might be titled as a master in your profession. The more people benefit from your articles, the more they'll love reading what you write and even share your articles. Before you know it, one single article might be read from hundereds of thousands of internet users.

5 - Build your reputation - Your brand can be build by the information you're providing, or by the style in which you're writing. Any way or another, your reputation will become greater by providing quality articles for readers. You can use that reputation for various personal or business benefits.

6 - Expose your business - There is a specific segment of internet marketing tactics called 'article marketing'. You can put links to your business websites on various keywords in articles, and then publish articles on article directories or blogs. Many people do this and find it very effective, due to lots of free traffic.

7 - Financial profit - You can use articles to create financial profit in various ways. One of them is to simply write articles for money. Number of services of that. Another is to add affiliate products to your articles. The more people read your articles, the higher chance gets that someone buys that product. You can also implement various pay per click campaigns on the same page as the article, around or within it. This will create a small passive income, but the pile can add up if you multiplicate the principle.

8 - Motivator - Articles can be a good motivator. Especially ones that you wrote. You'll be aware of all the details of the subject you weren't aware of, and you'll be able to reasonably talk about them. This will definitely build up your confidence and motivation. Another scenarion that might happen is that you write something, forget about it, and then come across it several years later. May it be a different look on the subject, or if it has remained the same, the article will motivate you to do more and to do better.

Any way or another - financial reasons are peoples main motivator to do things, so, they often are and for writing articles. In that case, learn as much as you can about earning money through articles. If you don't have such expectations from this activity, this article might have helped you with finding some other reasons to start writing. You don't even have to publish them if you don't feel like it. The very act of writing them is what will make you feel good about being where you are in a subject you're writing about.


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